How to create a DealNow as a Buyer

You can create a DealNow as a buyer or seller and invite the other party to join the deal. If you're a buyer you will want to follow this flow. To see the seller flow scroll down.

1. Log into and Click "Deals"

2. Click "Start a DealNow"

3. Click "Buyer"

4. Choose which type of vehicle you are trying to buy

5. Enter the VIN if you have it, if not you can switch to the 'Make/Model' tab as seen in the next step

6. Enter the year make and model of the vehicle you want to buy.

7. Click "Continue"

8. Enter the offer amount you would like to offer the seller.

9. Select which terms you would like the offer to be subject to.

10. Click "Next"

11. Now you are on the deal and you will want to click "Invite the Seller" to invite the seller to join you on the deal.

12. We will provide a unique link for you to share with the seller that would drop the seller directly on the same deal. By clicking "Copy" the link will be copied to your clipboard. From there, you will want to email or text the link to the seller to invite them to the deal.

If you're a seller you will want to follow this flow.

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